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OFM Franciscan Friars:
This is the place which gives you up-to-date information about the whole Order throughout the world.
It is the website of the General Curia in Rome where the Minister General and his staff live and work. They form an international fraternity which is as large as many a Province of the Order.
Here is a directory of all the conferences of the Order, its provinces, houses, centres of study, the general administration, and loads of other things you didnt know you wanted to know, as well as recent texts and documents relating to everything going on in the Order at the international level.
Franciscans International:
Franciscans International represents the whole Franciscan Family at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) of the highest status.
The link below will lead you to its website where you can learn about its activities and download its many publications.
The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land:
This is the website describing every aspect of the Franciscan presence in the Holy Land, the most precious mission of the Order.
The Franciscan Media Centre (FMC) of the Custody of the Holy Land:
A new website of the television and media centre of the Custody of the Holy Land, which provides historical, cultural, human and spiritual images of the Holy Land in order to tell - in the midst of daily stories of fear, division and conflict - an altogether different story. It can be consulted in six languages, including English.
ATS - Pro Terra Sancta:
This is a non-governmental charitable organisation of the Franciscans in the Holy Land, working closely with the Custody of the Holy Land in many social and cultural projects which you will find described on their website.
To read the latest news click on the following link and choose English.
Commission on the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition:
The Franciscan Heritage Series and Intellectual Tradition. This outlines the work of the English-Speaking Conference in reviving the writings and scholarship of Franciscans. There are ongoing projects and details of student centers, courses and publications.
Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) in Britain
This is the website of the OFS in Great Britain and will tell you all that the Secular Franciscan Order is and does. It provides links to many other useful sites.
Franciscan Province of Ireland:
Meet the Franciscans in Ireland. Follow links to their houses, the administration and learn more about the work of the Scholar Friars.
The Franciscan Province of Malta:
An informative site about the Friars in Malta.
Anglican Friars:
The Society of St. Francis official Web site. Details of their life and spirituality, books and publications, contact addresses and vocations discernment.
Catholic Church in England and Wales:
The official website of the Catholic Church in England & Wales with links to many other sites of interest.
Catholic Church in Scotland
The site of the Scottish Catholic Media Office will lead you to all the information you may need about the Church in Scotland.
New Advent Catholic Website:
This is an incredibly ample and useful resource site: it contains the whole Catholic Encyclopedia , all the Fathers of the Church and early Christian documents, the Councils, Thomas Aquinass Summa Theologica , and much more, all available at the click of a mouse!
The Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics, now The Anscombe Centre
This exists to help you to explore the Catholic position on bioethical issues. The Linacre Centre is renowned throughout the world for its intellectual and scientific rigour, and its calm common sense.
The home page gives direct access to clear and balanced answers regarding all basic pro-life issues and to numerous resources and publications.