During the year of Novitiate, the Postulant becomes a Novice of the Franciscan Order, promising to live the way of life in a Franciscan Fraternity yet without making vows. He receives the Franciscan brown habit, cowl and a cord with three knots as a reminder of these promises and the hope of a future vowed life as a Religious.
The Novice participates in this distinctive year of Novitiate deepening a relationship with God and being introduced more intensely to the Franciscan way of life, prayer, silence, fraternity, learning, ministry and of work and leisure within the Fraternity.
Again, Novices are assisted and directed by a team of Formators, Speakers and Spiritual Directors, who either live residentially with the Novices or visit during the year. There is an emphasis on carefully studying and reflecting on the religious vows, the Rule, the history and the traditions of the Franciscan Order in the world and locally.
After the conclusion of this full year, the Novice professes First Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience as a Franciscan Friar Minor.