Post Novitiate
(period of Temporary Profession)
For the next 5 or 6 years, the newly professed Franciscan Friar Minor, begins a life in the Post Novitiate Friary or Friaries. These are years of preparation for Solemn (Final) Religious Profession of the Vows and for Ministry full-time as a Friar.
This involves a vast range of personal and spiritual, pastoral and intellectual formation over these years. The Friar studies Franciscan, theological, human and philosophical studies, attending courses at various Institutes of the Church along with other Franciscans and female and male Religious.
Whether a Friar desires and is called to Ministry as a priest or not, all Friars have opportunities for tertiary theological education and training for their Franciscan lives.
Initial Formation concludes with Solemn Profession or Final Vows, an event which fully incorporates the Friar into the Franciscan Order for life.